- Prior month -2.40
- Empire manufacturing -20.9 vs -7.0 last month
- New orders -17.2 vs -6.2 prior
- Employment -7.1 vs -0.2 last month
- Prices paid +28.7 vs +33.0 last month
- Prices received 17.8 vs 17.0 last month
Other components:
- Average workweek -10.4 vs -4.7 last month
- Inventories -129. vs -9.6 last month
- Delivery times -1.0 vs -3.2 last month
- Unfilled orders -10.9 vs -9.6 last month
- Shipments -6.9 vs 2.8 last month
Big surprise but the index can be quite volatile.
As for the June probability of a June cut it is down to 58.9%which is down from 69% earlier this week. Will this report change that perception? So far, the reaction in the yields is fairly modest.
Dow is up 57 points and the S&P up 8 points. The Nasdaq is now trading above and below unchanged.
This article was written by Greg Michalowski at www.forexlive.com.
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