Friday , 27 September 2024
Home Forex Elon Musk met Premier Li Qiang in an unannounced trip to China

Elon Musk met Premier Li Qiang in an unannounced trip to China

China is Tesla’s second-biggest market, so Musk visiting should not come as much surprise.

Media reports have it that the main purpose of Musk’s visit was to discuss enabling autonomous driving mode on Tesla cars in China:

Musk wants to enable Full Self Driving (FSD) in China and transfer data collected in the country abroad to train its algorithms

FSD is available in countries including the US but not, so far, in China.

Musk met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang. Musk said Tesla was willing to engage in deep cooperation with China to “achieve more win-win results”.

Li told Musk the Chinese market would “always be open to foreign-funded firms.”


Is it just me or did this raise anyone else’s eyebrows?

  • ” and transfer data collected in the country abroad to train its algorithms”

Isn’t this sort of thing what got TikTok in trouble in the US? What will China do with this?

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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