Friday , 27 September 2024
Home Health Everything you ever want to know about birth control and much more — Sophia Yen, Pandia Health

Everything you ever want to know about birth control and much more — Sophia Yen, Pandia Health

Dr. Sophia Yen is the Chief Medical Officer (and Founder) of Pandia Health. She is about as expert as it comes on the topics contraception, emergency contraception, medication abortion, menopause and lots more. Her PR peeps asked if I’d interview her about Pandia Health, which is a fantastic online clinic & pharmacy for women at basically all ages. But I couldn’t have her on THCB without having her tell all about the world of contraception, menopause and of course reproductive health. I promise you that if you are a woman or somone who knows a woman, this is a fascinating interview. You will learn a lot, and there are lots of suggestions for how to manage many aspects of your health–Matthew Holt

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