High Yield:3.440%
Previous: 3.81%
WI Level at the time of the auction: 3.457%
Tail: -1.7 bs
Previous: -0.2bps
- Six-auction average: 0.1bps
Bid-to-Cover: 2.66X
Previous: 2.55x
Six-auction average: 2.56x
Previous: 15.4%
Six-auction average: 16.4%
Directs (a measure of domestic demand):11.3%
Previous: 20.3%
Six-auction average: 18.8%
Indirects (a measure of international demand):78.24%
Previous: 64.4%
Six-auction average: 64.7%
This article was written by Greg Michalowski at www.forexlive.com.
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