619 million people across the globe have reported issues of chronic back pain and lower back in 2020 and is expected to reach...
ByglobalreutersNovember 26, 2024By KIM BELLARD A year ago I wrote about disturbing news from the Pew Research Center that trust in science, and in scientists,...
ByglobalreutersNovember 26, 2024How are Integrated Delivery Networks (IDNs) shaping the future of healthcare, and what role—if any—does value-based care still play? In this episode, I...
ByglobalreutersNovember 26, 2024In Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rules from recent years, the administration made changes to Medicare payment policies for certain dental services, in...
ByglobalreutersNovember 25, 2024BridgeBio Pharma claims its drug, Attruby, has an edge over a Pfizer drug as a treatment for cardiomyopathy caused by transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis. But...
ByglobalreutersNovember 25, 2024The Pink Sheet reports on a new international health technology assessment (HTA) body: Health Economics Methods Advisory group (HEMA). The Health Economics Methods...
ByglobalreutersNovember 25, 2024As hospitals nationwide search to improve the cleanliness of their facilities, infection control continues to be one of their biggest challenges. The challenge...
ByglobalreutersNovember 25, 2024Long COVID is just more than simple fatigue and health changes for millions out there. Seeking support for reclaiming your life is crucial.
ByglobalreutersNovember 25, 2024This brief provides an overview of current lawsuits in health policy including preventive services, abortion care, gender affirming care, Medicare drug price negotiations,...
ByglobalreutersNovember 25, 2024KFF's analysis of KFF/AP VoteCast supplemental questions shows how abortion, abortion-related ballot measures, and other health care issues influenced the 2024 election.
ByglobalreutersNovember 25, 2024