Sunday , 9 March 2025



As Congress considers ways to cut Medicaid spending to help finance the extension of federal tax cuts, a new KFF analysis finds that...


This analysis examines the potential impacts on states, Medicaid enrollees, and providers of implementing a per capita cap on federal Medicaid spending, which...


By KIM BELLARD Many people don’t realize it, but a hundred years ago America was something of a scientific backwater. Oh, sure, we...


A friend of mine who wants to stay anonymous (for now at any rate) had a crazy waste of time proving that he...


Quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) are commonly used to evaluate the impact of new medical technologies on patient mortality and morbidity. However, use of...


Medicare Part D spending on 10 diabetes drugs increased 364% between 2019 and 2023. The post Medicare Part D Spending on 10 Diabetes...


There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. Peter Drucker


The Republican-led Congress is considering plans to cut Medicaid to help pay for tax cuts, with the House budget resolution targeting $880 billion...


By ALEX AZAR Presidential transitions are always a time of great change, but few leaders have ushered in a shift as sweeping as...


This week's podcast dives into successful sales leadership and is relevant to most healthcare verticals, including B2B sales in SaaS, pharmaceuticals, medical device,...