Monday , 10 March 2025


From Crawling to Caring: The Evolution of Clinical Practice with AI and Its Transformative Impact on Healthcare

From Crawling to Caring: The Evolution of Clinical Practice with AI and Its Transformative Impact on Healthcare

As clinicians begin to rely more on AI, they will also need to cultivate new skills, particularly around critical interpretation of AI-generated insights,...


How Much Does Hydronephrosis Treatment Cost In India

Hydronephrosis  is a problem with the urinary system where one or both kidneys become swollen because urine doesn’t completely leave the body. Symptoms...


Recent Trends in Medicaid Outpatient Prescription Drugs and Spending

This issue brief describes recent trends in the number of Medicaid outpatient prescriptions and the spending on those drugs and examines how the...


KFF Revisits Women Voters Previously Surveyed in June and Finds Significant Shifts in VP Harris’ Favor Across a Range of Key Election Issues

In a special follow-up poll of the same women voters who were previously interviewed in June (before President Biden announced he wouldn’t run...


Women Voters Revisited: Inflation, Abortion, and Increased Motivation in the 2024 Election Countdown

In a resurvey of women voters three months later, KFF uncovered substantial shifts in favor of Vice President Harris across a range of...


How long does it take for new pharmaceuticals to reach low and middle-income countries?

That is the question considered by Wouters and Kuha (2024) in a recent Health Affairs article. The authors use IQVIA data between 1982...


Top Questions to Ask From the Best Neurosurgeon in Chennai

Chennai is known as one of the fastest-growing cities in South India. Medical care in Chennai is still growing, especially for treating brain...

The Power of “Techquity”: How Telehealth Can Help Promote Health Equity

The Power of “Techquity”: How Telehealth Can Help Promote Health Equity

Telehealth should serve as a tool for leveling the playing field, ensuring that every person has access to the care they deserve, no...


Health Misinformation Monitor: Falsehoods About Transgender People and Gender Affirming Care

This volume explores politically motivated misinformation targeting gender-affirming care, transgender people, and its impact on online discourse, legislation, and health care access. We...

World Mental Health Day: Prioritize Mental Wellness at Work!

World Mental Health Day: Prioritize Mental Wellness at Work!

Healthy workplace is something that always focuses on its people’s mental health. Would you like to know why mental health should be prioritized...