As January wraps up, markets worldwide show some exciting trends:
🌍 FTSE 100 is on track for its biggest monthly gain since November 2022, thanks to strong earnings and favourable exchange rates.
🇺🇸 U.S. Equity Funds saw their first inflows in weeks, driven by hopes of rate cuts.
🇦🇺 Australian Market had its best January in two years, riding on record highs and cooling inflation rates.
🧐 Reflect on Your January Trades
🔄 It’s time to evaluate your performance this month!
✅ Trade reviews help uncover hidden patterns, emotional triggers, and winning strategies.
🚀 Fine-tuning your approach now can give you the edge you need to thrive in February!
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Track, analyse, and optimise your trades with NordFX’s analytics tools 🔧. Get the latest market news and insights to sharpen your trading decisions!
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Reviewing and Reflecting on Your January Trades was originally published in Coinmonks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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