- We begun to turn things around.
- UK regulation has been stifling and unpredictable.
- The solution is government systematically removing barriers.
- Looking forward to work with the new US Treasury Secretary and deepen relationships with the US.
- We need to remove constraints on the UK economy’s supply side.
- Fiscal rules will always be met.
- We will prioritise proposals with the EU that are consistent with out manifesto.
- Business and Trade Secretary will shortly visit India to negotiate trade deal.
- We will protect important role of pension funds in GILT market while giving extra flexibility.
- We will publish final report on regulation in March.
- We are reducing the environmental requirements placed on developers if they pay into environmental fund.
- Planning and infrastructre bill due in spring.
- Announcing two further investments by National Wealth Fund.
- 65 million pound fund for electric vehicle charging network expansion.
- Will invest in cornish metals.
- We will publish a refreshed carbon budget plan later this year.
- We are removing barriers to delivering 16 gigawatts of offshore wind.
- We are seeing some enouraging signs in the British economy.
- We will introduce a new approach to planning decisions on land around rail stations. Default answer will be Yes.
- Heathrow airport third runway could create over 100K jobs.
- A third runway at Heathrow is badly needed.
- A third runway will unlock further growth.
- The case for third runway is stronger than ever.
- I can confirm this government supports a third runway.
- The third runway will be delivered in line with our climate objectives.
This article was written by Giuseppe Dellamotta at www.forexlive.com.
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