- High yield 4.748%
- WI at the time of the auction 4.736%
- Tail 1.2 basis points versus 6-month average of 0.2 basis points
- Bid to cover 2.33X versus 6-month average of 2.46X
- Directs (domestic demand) 18.6% versus 6-month average of 17.6%
- Indirects (international demand) 65.1% versus 6-month average of 68.4%
- Dealers 16.3% versus 6-month average of 14.0%
The only OK from the auction was the domestic buyers at 18.6% vs the 5-month average of 17.6%. Every other component was indicative of below average demand.
This article was written by Greg Michalowski at www.forexlive.com.
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